
Analytik Jena Announces 3-Months-Report 2010/2011

10.02.2011 | Nouveautés

Jena/Germany, February 10, 2011 — Analytik Jena AG (Frankfurt DE0005213508, Prime Standard: AJA) today announced its results for the first quarter of financial year 2010/2011. The manufacturer of analytical, bioanalytical and optical systems and molecular diagnostic reagents generated consolidated sales of EUR 23.7 m (previous year: EUR 21.6 m) and consequently generated a 10.1 % year-on-year increase in sales in the reporting period. At 66.0 %, the export ratio was just under six percentage points higher than in the first quarter of the previous year (60.3 %).

Sales Development and Segments

With regard to the individual segments, Analytik Jena was well able to maintain its sound market position across the divisions and expand it in parts. In the first quarter of financial year 2010/2011, the outstanding trend in sales and incoming orders in the core business and most important segment Analytical Instrumentation continued on the basis of strong and sustainable growth. The established division generated sales of EUR 14.5 m (previous year: EUR 12.4 m), and consequently yet again achieved record figures as compared to previous years. In the growth segment Life Science the sales remained constant after three months at EUR 8.0 m (previous year: EUR 8.1 m). The Group experienced a slight recovery in business in the Optics consumer segment albeit at a low level overall. Sales of EUR 1.2 m (previous year: EUR 1.1 m) were generated here, 15.1 % more than in the previous year.


The trend in the Analytik Jena Group’s earnings was also positive in the first three months of the financial year 2010/2011. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) increased by 13.7 % to EUR 3.2 m (previous year: EUR 2.8 m). The Group also posted increases in operating earnings (EBIT). In the past quarter, Analytik Jena posted EBIT of EUR 2.2 m (previous year: EUR 1.9 m), 15.7 % more than in the same period in the previous year. The company achieved an EBIT margin of 9.5 %, as compared to 9.0 % in the prior-year period. The significantly positive development especially results from the business unit Analytical Instrumentation, where an operating profit of EUR 1.9 m and an EBIT margin of 13.4 % was achieved. In the Life Science segment the Company could not build on the good development in the previous year`s first quarter despite the very good development of its subsidiary CyBio AG. Lower sales in high-margin business with standard cyclers could not yet be compensated by the shipments of the new real time PCR products. The Company assumes that this development will improve in the current financial year. In the Optics business unit the Company achieved a stable result growing in absolute terms to an EBIT of EUR 0.2 m and an EBIT margin of 18.8 %.

The Group posted earnings before tax (EBT) of EUR 2.0 m (previous year: EUR 1.6 m) and thus an increase of 26.4 %. Tax expense for the three months amounted to EUR 0.6 m (previous year: EUR 0.5 m). In the reporting period Analytik Jena achieved a net profit of EUR 1.4 m in total (previous year: EUR 1.1 m). This equates to earnings per share of EUR 0.22 (previous year: EUR 0.21) for the shareholders of the parent company.

Changes in Statement of Financial Position

The Group’s total assets rose by 1.8 % from EUR 83.6 m (September 30, 2010) to EUR 85.0 m as of December 31, 2010. In the reporting period Analytik Jena reported equity of EUR 40.2 m (September 30, 2010: EUR 39.0 m). This corresponds to an equity ratio of 47.3 % (September 30, 2010: 46.7 %). The Group’s cash and cash equivalents amounted to EUR 9.0 m as of the end of the reporting period (September 30, 2009: EUR 8.9 m).

Human Resources

As at the balance sheet date, the Group employed 799 staff, of which 46 trainees (previous year: 779 employees, including 54 trainees).


Analytik Jena expects to continue increasing its sales and earnings in the current financial year. On the basis of good incoming orders, particularly in the established division Analytical Instrumentation, the company is expecting to keep the order backlog stable at a high level and consequently to continue its by and large successful business development. For the second quarter the Company expects a stable business development with a slight growth.

The full financial report can be accessed at


Hanna Engelhardt
Media Relations Life Science
+49 (0) 36 41  77-73

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